Volume 9
The Journal of Global Justice and Public Policy's 6th Edition, published the Spring of 2020. It includes five articles, and three student notes; all of which write on modern issues of Global Justice and Public Policy. The articles are as follows: Political Murder, Demystified by Jeff Breinholt; Outreach at the Hybrid Tribunals: The Cases of the Sierra Leone and Cambodia by Aaron Fichtelberg; Rape as an Act of Terrorism: Toward an International Convention on Outrages of Human Dignity by Christopher Scott Maravilla; Protecting Sex Trafficking Victims Through Expungement and Vacatur Statutes: Will Virginia Join the Rest of the Nation? by S. Ernie Walton; and Is it Time for Global Justice? International Human Rights and Wrongs in the 21st Century by Christopher J. Whelan. The Notes are as follows: Asylum From the Northern Triangle: Is Asylum the Answer for Those Fleeing the Most Violent Countries? by Tyler B. Barnes; An International Oversight: Unveiling the Disproportionate Effect That Religious Persecution Has on Women by Chandler M. Jones; and the Right to Equality in North Korea: Caste System, Inequality and Persecution in Every Aspect of Life by EunHae Oh.
JGJPPSeptember 14, 2023