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Volume 2

By September 1, 2015March 25th, 2022Journal of Global Justice and Public Policy

Volume 2 – Journal of Global Justice and Public Policy

Volume 2:2

Fall 2015

Table of Contents


Tangled Up: Restoring the Parental Rights of Immigrants Caught Between Immigration Court and the Family Court
Jessica N. Flores

Prosecution as a Mere Pretext of Persecution: Granting Refugee Status to Chinese Citizens Who Face Prosecution under Unspoken, Unofficial Chinese “Law”
Ra Hee Jeon


Fighting War and Furthering Slavery: The Alarming Truth about Private Military Firms and the Solution to End Their Involvement in Human Sex Trafficking
Carissa A. Rarick

“The Suggestions on the Rights of the Child”: Why the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child is a Twenty-Five Year Failure
Sherilyn C. Baxter

Verboten: Forbidden Homeschooling in Germany and Its Conflict with International Religious Freedom
Jacob A. Aschmutat


Baby Steps: The European Court of Human Rights Moves Closer to Protecting the Unborn in Parrillo v. Italy
Palmer E. Hurst & Christina A. Hurst

Book Review

An Alternative to “Business as Usual”?
Kathleen A. McKee


4th Annual Symposium: Human Rights and the Sexualization of Culture
Journal of Global Justice and Public Policy & the Center for Global Justice, Human Rights and the Rule of Law


Volume 2:2

Spring 2016

Table of Contents


Sharia and Law in the Age of Constitutionalism
Mohammad Rasekh

Freedom of Conscience and New “LGBT Rights” in International Human Rights Law
Travis S. Weber & L. Lin

The United States’ Response to Human Trafficking: Sword of Justice or Paper Tiger?
Kathleen A. McKee


Crime and Propaganda: What Is to Be Done with Russian Federal Law № 135-FZ
Christopher A. Troye

Why the Combination of Universal Jurisdiction and Political Lawfare Will Destroy the Sacred Sovereignty of States
Jennifer R. Breedon

Government Regulation of Sexual Orientation Change Efforts: Infringement upon Our Rights to Exercise Parental Authority and Preserve Family Unity
Darea Eom


The Green Deal Goes Sour for the Clean Energy Sector in Great Britain
Joshua G. Gamboa

A Decision in Favor of Trinity Western University and Religious Rights in Canada
Parker M. Wornall

Book Review

The Disintegrating Constitution: The Progressive Credo of a Sitting Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court
James M. Boland