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Volume 10 Journal of Global Justice and Public Policy

Volume 10

The Journal of Global Justice and Public Policy’s 10th Edition, published the Spring of 2024. It includes three articles, and three student notes; all of which touch on modern issues of Global Justice and Public Policy. The articles are as follows We Should Meat: A Reply to Professor Siddhanth Prasad Jeremy Rovinsky; A Primer on Human Trafficking by Kathleen McKee and At the Intersection of Sex and Ethnicity: How Atrocities Against Uyghur Women Show the Need for State Accountability for Genocidal Acts by Kalista Wilson. The notes are as follows: Utterly Alone in Court: How Unaccompanied Minors’ Lack of Access to Appointed Counsel Falls Short of Domestic, International, and Biblical Standards by Elizabeth M. Gilbert and Unshackling Student Speech: How to Retain Deference to K-12 Administrators Without Wrongly Suppressing Free Speech as “Harassment” Under Title IX by Jaelyn R.M. Haile; and A Logical Step: Making a Case for an ICJ Advisory Opinion on Head of State Immunity by Mickey Isakoff.
November 17, 2024
Volume 9 Journal of Global Justice and Public Policy

Volume 9

The Journal of Global Justice and Public Policy’s 9th Edition, published the Spring of 2023. It includes four articles, and two student notes; all of which touch on modern issues of Global Justice and Public Policy. The articles are as follows Human Germline Editing and a Christian View of Human Nature by Jeffrey A. Brauch; Refugee to Guest: A Discussion on the Contract Administration Issues at Doña Ana Village by Aaron E. Brown; Herding CATs: Prioritizing Human Rights in the Conventional Arms Transfer Policies by John Ramming Chappell and Seeking Transitional Justice Through Reconciliation in a Troubled Transition: The Legitimacy, Performances, and Limits of the Ethiopian Reconciliation Commission by Yinka Olomojobi. The notes are as follows: Cracking the Communications Decency Act: Civil Relief for Sex Trafficking Victims and the Battle to Hold Big Tech Liable by Alexa E. Macumber and Lying in Wait: The Absence of Repatriation of ISIS Brides and Children from al-Hol Refugee Camp by Leea D. Stacks.
September 14, 2023
Volume 8 Journal of Global Justice and Public Policy

Volume 8

The Journal of Global Justice and Public Policy’s 8th Edition, published the Spring of 2022. It includes three articles, two student notes, and two symposium articles; all of which touch on modern issues of Global Justice and Public Policy. The articles are as follows: Reciprocity And Respect: Strengthening A Key Alliance In Strategic Competition by Major R. Scott Adams; A Comparative Study Of Capital Punishment Trends: A Case Of Uganda And The United Kingdom by Robert Olet Egwea; and Right to Personal Liberty in Nigeria by Yinka Olomojobi. The notes are as follows: Shackled By Shari’a: Saudi Women Still Controlled By Male Guardianship System Despite Present (Cosmetic) Reforms by Rebekah D. Bunch; Beyond Bostock: Justice Gorsuch’s Free Exercise Jurisprudence As A Model In Addressing The Contemporary Crisis In Religious Liberty by Nathan J. Moelker. The symposium articles are as follows: Four Dimensions of Human Trafficking Prevention by Deanna Longjohn and The Missing Piece: Preventing Domestic Sex Trafficking Through Early Intervention by Kailey T. Kelley.
November 22, 2022
Volume 7 Journal of Global Justice and Public Policy

Volume 7

The Journal of Global Justice and Public Policy’s 7th Edition, published the Spring of 2021. It includes two articles and three student notes; all of which touch on modern issues of Global Justice and Public Policy. The articles are as follows: The Intersectionality of Race and Class in Bioethics by Lynne Marie Kohm and A Case for Additional Crimes Triable Before the International Criminal Court: The African Context by Daniel R. Ruhweza and Kitenda Jesse Stephen. The notes are as follows: Race-Selective Abortion Bans: A New Way to Prevent Elimination of Minority Groups in the United States by Tysharah Jones Gardner; South Korea’s Pre-Assessment at the Port of Entry Under the Non-Refoulement Principle of the Refugee Convention of 1951 by So Jin Kim; and Protecting the Vulnerable: Keeping Children Safe with the Kelsey Smith Act by Nicholas Johnson.
October 28, 2022
Volume 6 Journal of Global Justice and Public Policy

Volume 6

The Journal of Global Justice and Public Policy's 6th Edition, published the Spring of 2020. It includes five articles, and three student notes; all of which write on modern issues of Global Justice and Public Policy. The articles are as follows: Political Murder, Demystified by Jeff Breinholt; Outreach at the Hybrid Tribunals: The Cases of the Sierra Leone and Cambodia by Aaron Fichtelberg; Rape as an Act of Terrorism: Toward an International Convention on Outrages of Human Dignity by Christopher Scott Maravilla; Protecting Sex Trafficking Victims Through Expungement and Vacatur Statutes: Will Virginia Join the Rest of the Nation? by S. Ernie Walton; and Is it Time for Global Justice? International Human Rights and Wrongs in the 21st Century by Christopher J. Whelan. The Notes are as follows: Asylum From the Northern Triangle: Is Asylum the Answer for Those Fleeing the Most Violent Countries? by Tyler B. Barnes; An International Oversight: Unveiling the Disproportionate Effect That Religious Persecution Has on Women by Chandler M. Jones; and the Right to Equality in North Korea: Caste System, Inequality and Persecution in Every Aspect of Life by EunHae Oh.
September 1, 2020
Volume 5 Journal of Global Justice and Public Policy

Volume 5

The Journal of Global Justice and Public Policy's Volume fifth edition, published in the Spring of 2019. This edition includes three articles written by Manu Chaturvedi, Bryan S. Peeples, and Jeffrey A. Brauch & Cody Goings. It also includes three student notes written by Thomas Whitcombe, Destinee Easley, and Cody Goings.
September 1, 2019
Volume 4 Journal of Global Justice and Public Policy

Volume 4

The Journal of Global Justice and Public Policy's Volume fourth edition, published in the Spring of 2018. This edition includes three articles written by Carter Budwell, Charlton J. Meginley, and Rikkilee Moser. It also includes three student notes written by Reagan Hinton, Janice Yu, and Samantah Piñeiro Graham.
September 1, 2018
Volume 3 Journal of Global Justice and Public Policy

Volume 3

The Journal of Global Justice and Public Policy's Volume one of its third edition, published in the Spring of 2017. This edition included two articles, written by Artur Appazov and Christopher J. Whelan. Two student notes were written by Julianna E. Battenfield and Joshua G. Gamboa. A comment was written by Dold E. Soles III. Finally, two symposium articles were written by Stephen Casey and Vivian E. Hamilton. Volume two of its third edition, published in the Spring of 2017 included two articles, written by Shawn Marie Boyne and Stephanie Persson. Two student notes were written by Katie Chadliev & Stacy Newman, and Jennifer L. Gebler.
September 1, 2016
Volume 2 Journal of Global Justice and Public Policy

Volume 2

The Journal of Global Justice and Public Policy's Volume one of its second edition, published in the Fall of 2015. This edition is more diverse than any of the prior editions, with two articles, three student notes, a comment, a book review, and an article from the Journal's annual symposium. Volume two of its second edition, published in the Spring of 2016, included three articles by Mohammad Rasekh, Travis S. Weber & L. Lin, and Kathleen A. McKee. There were three student notes, by Christopher A. Troye, Jennifer R. Breedon, and Darea Eom. Two comments were written by Joshua G. Gamboa, and Parker M. Wornall. Finally, a book review was written by James M. Boland.
September 1, 2015
Volume 1 Journal of Global Justice and Public Policy

Volume 1

The Journal of Global Justice and Public Policy's first and second volume of its first edition, published Fall of 2014. The Inaugural issue of the JGPP's publications begins with an introduction from the Journal's advisor, Jeffrey Brauch who writes a Welcome to the Regent Journal of Global Justice and Public Policy. Following his welcome are two articles, Legitimate Persecution: The Effect of Asylum's Nexus Clause by Nichola Bolzman and The Politicization of the Cameroon Judicial System by Bonaventure F. Ndifor. After the two articles come two student notes, Let Girls Be Born Elsewhere: Sex Selective Abortion in India and the Need for Self-Regulation Within the Medical Profession by Erica Harrigan and Funny Money: Why Bitcoin Does Not Warrant Increased Governmental Regulation by Aaron Lindquist. Finally, the Journal includes two articles written for its annual symposium: Advancing the Rule of Law in East Africa: Overcoming Barriers by Brian P. Dennison and Lesson Learned from African Law and Culture by Dickson Ogwang. The second issue includes five articles with three student notes. The five articles are as follows: Kermit Gosnell's Babies: Abortion, Infanticide and Looking Beyond the Masks of the Law by Richard F. Duncan; The Rights-Bearing Child's Best Interests: Implications of the…
September 1, 2014